Which god or goddess are you the child of?

Demigods, it’s time to discover who you are. Each of the Olympian gods and goddesses below have a home at Camp Half-Blood.

Which cabin is calling your name?

Remember, demigods, your cabin this summer does not have to be your godly parent. You are free to explore your demigod identity however you see fit. Your cabin's god or goddess will be your patron, watching over and guiding you on your summer adventure.

The god of the winds can be harsh or benevolent by turns, sending fierce weather or helpful breezes. His children can also be unpredictable! You might find them in the thick of the battle frenzy, charging down their opponents with a ferocious yell during Capture the Flag – and then, an hour later, see them peacefully creating a nymph house in the shade of the trees, silent and calm. They understand that stillness has as much power as motion, that observation can be as critical as action, and that silence can be as stunning as noise. Their sudden shifts of energy may take some getting used to, but it also makes them valuable members of any team, capable of taking on many different responsibilities to achieve their goal.
The children of Aphrodite are here and they’re going to show you that they’re more than just a pretty face. Being part of the Aphrodite Cabin is more than just beauty, it’s about exuding confidence and poise under pressure, and knowing how to stab with more than just swords. Children of Aphrodite are thoughtful, and they are comfortable in a crowd and confidently outspoken when it comes to getting things done. You don’t want to get into a debate with a child of Aphrodite — their words are their strongest weapon and they know exactly what to say to win their argument. They know they are underestimated, and they’ll happily take advantage of that, whether it be by a monster or a competing kingdom during the Olympics. The Aphrodite Cabin is direct and unafraid to say what needs to be said. And that makes them an invaluable asset to Camp Half-Blood.
Prolific archers and mesmerizing musicians, the children of the sun god are overachievers by nature. They are constantly captivated by new interests and electives so that they can add new skills to their ever-expanding skill sets. They have a talent for deciphering ambiguous prophecies and when working with their (somewhat difficult to wrangle) cousin cabin, the children of Hermes, can solve most any puzzle. Any given day, you might find the children of Apollo having an impromptu jam session, writing an epic poem in the shade, or keeping a watchful eye on their closest allies, the Artemis Cabin.
It’s difficult to find something to say about the braggadocious and swag-tastic Ares Cabin that they haven’t already said about themselves. Camp Half Blood’s hand-to-hand combat experts and resident models in training, the children of Ares are proud of their godly parent and their long history of Olympic championships at camp. Quick to anger and slow to forgive, these brave, impassioned demigods are the first to rush into battle unarmed to save a captive friend and first to volunteer for dangerous scouting missions. During free time at camp, you will find them at their extremes, either dueling in the grass or lying prone under their cabin tree, soaking in the sun. Just don’t try to steal their spot in the snack line — you’ll regret it.
The soft-spoken and mysterious sharp-shots of camp, the hunters of Artemis are the cabin most at home out in the forest and prefer to roam the dark pathways in search of monsters instead of competing against the other cabins in events they know they’re going to win. Though members of the Artemis Cabin may seem hard to get to know, it’s not because they don’t want new friends — they just don’t trust people right away. When you’ve been ambushed by the type of monsters these demigods have slain, you’d be wary of new faces, too. Still, if you ask one of them nicely in sword circle or on a bathroom trip, they’d be happy to give you some helpful tips on stealth, camouflage, and weaknesses of a wide variety of hybrid monsters you might encounter on a quest.
Children of Asclepius have always been called a little eccentric, but what do you expect from the children of a god that was so good at healing that the gods were afraid of him? Like their grandfather, Apollo, children of Asclepius shine and are usually a bright light in the lives of the people they choose to grace with their presence. Taking after Asclepius, many of these campers are comfortable both on and off the battlefield both as healers and fighters. Through it all, they remain ever-cautious and diligent to ensure not just their safety, but the safety of their fellow campers. And if anyone’s ever hurt, or even cursed by a terrible monster, it’s always the children of Asclepius who are first to spring into action!
The word that comes to mind when we think of the Athena Cabin is “discipline.” Though they are often labeled “bossy” or “aggressive,” they are determined not to let their cabin or their camp down. They use each minute of camp to prepare for their quest and their Olympic trials, whether that means quizzing each other on mythology trivia over lunch or using the walk to and from camp in the morning to discuss the specifics of their prophecy. If camp happens to be attacked by a monstrous horde of enemies, the Athena Cabin is where you might go to get a game plan of how and where to attack the enemy to exploit their weaknesses.
Children of Demeter are wise beyond their years. Their most common attributes are their skill under pressure and their connection to the natural world. Often at home walking through wooded paths and singing songs with local grain spirits and nymphs, most believe the children of Demeter to be calm and constantly chill. Those people are very mistaken. Much like their mother, they never forget when they are betrayed. When their endless patience is finally pushed to the breaking point, they are the first to draw their sword and demand a fight! These traits make the Demeter Cabin most likely to catch anyone off guard, which makes them formidable opponents. It makes sense, after all — even the mighty Zeus feared Demeter once upon a time.
Believe it or not, children of Dionysus are good at more than partying and delivering monologues. Yes, they excel at both, but they also share the Pan and Demeter Cabin’s love of planting and farming. They’ve also inherited their father’s notorious warrior streak, making them fighters that even the strongest monsters and heroes have feared through the ages. The children of Dionysus have a strong connection to the natural world and their comfort within it. When they are not dazzling the rest of camp with an amazing performance or challenging someone to a fight, they can be found speaking to tree nymphs or discussing different types of foliage with a local Satyr Scout. Children of Dionysus are a mixed bag of talent and skill. They never fail to make a day at Camp Half-Blood more interesting.
Children of Hades are bonded together by their communal melancholia and dark sense of humor. Like their father, they are good judges of character and often take time to consider a decision as a group before making one. Children of Hades know well the world that awaits us after all our life’s quests have been completed. They don’t fear an honorable death in battle (mostly because they have the power to revive their dead on quests…but still). Look for members of the Hades Cabin if you need an impartial judge in a duel, or if you want to contact a cabin member who didn’t survive last week’s quest.
Hecate is magic incarnate, and her children carry a bit of that magic with them throughout their demigod lives. Often ethereal and mysterious, the children of Hecate choose to lay on the outside and apply their skills wherever they can. Whether brewing a powerful potion or developing a brand new spell, the children of Hecate are always cooking up something new. They are also fiercely protective warriors, and will often be the first to take the watch and the first to throw themselves into the line of fire to protect their fellow campers. Thankfully, their powerful magic makes recovering from that line of fire much easier. Though many fear Hecate and her children, Camp Half-Blood feels much safer with them around.
Children of Hephaestus often have the perception of themselves as square pegs in round holes. But this is just the humility of their godly parent talking — without question, these are some of the most powerful demigods at camp. They can craft extra weapons to take on quests and design jewelry to give to goddesses they meet in order to bargain for extra powers. With the inventing power of Hermes and the craftsmanship of Athena, children of Hephaestus are a threat to their enemies, but with their self-sacrificing natures and willingness to help those in need, they are also some of the best friends available at camp.
Inventors, schemers, visionaries and tricksters — all children of this god of thieves and messengers arrive on Earth with the power of persuasion, and a natural capacity for mischief. Owing to their difficult relationship with their godly parent, Hermes Cabin kids are fiercely independent, and are not likely to follow the crowd in any activity or decision without weighing its pros and cons. If your cabin’s flag has mysteriously disappeared, you can count on Hermes Cabin as a place to start (and probably finish) your search.
The patrons of Hestia can find a new home anywhere and protect it with the fierceness of the ever-burning hearth. Hestia Cabin kids are often the glue that holds their friends together, and they are the first to make sure that whoever they’re with is comfortable. At the same time, they are fearless fighters when their chosen home and family are under attack. Patrons of Hestia are like the fire that Hestia cultivates, warm and comforting, but with the potential to burn should the need arise. Like Hestia, they put their friends and their community above all else, and Hades have mercy on anything that threatens them.
Children of Hypnos are not only masters of dreams but also of the mind. They are calm, centered, and take comfort in knowing that dreams don’t end when you open your eyes. Yes, a member of the Hypnos Cabin can be found napping, but they are just as often philosophizing or attempting to understand concepts beyond most other demigods’ understanding. Children of Hypnos are not planners, they are thinkers and questioners. They use their elevated understanding to stay ten steps ahead of anyone who is foolish enough to try tricking them. The Hypnos Cabin sees beyond what’s in front of them, often finding the answer in the wild or in the most zany places, a skill that makes them an invaluable asset to Camp Half-Blood.
Many tend to underestimate the children of Iris, believing that a simple “goddess of rainbows” cannot possibly offer as much as a child of Poseidon or Athena. Much like their mother, there is far more to children of Iris than meets the eye. Not only do they shine both inside and out with the beauty of the rainbows of their mother’s domain, but they are also far more in tune with the various ins and outs of the world around them. After all, Iris is more than rainbows, she’s also the messenger of the gods, and some say that she is even a goddess of the sky and sea. It is not uncommon for a child of Iris to know exactly what’s going on or know the best way they could figure it out. On the battlefield, they move almost as fast as Hermes and strike even faster. And like their mother, they understand that information and knowledge are power — a power that they happily use to protect Camp Half-Blood and the rest of the world.
Kratos is the god of strength and power who works dutifully by Zeus’ side to protect Olympus and the world of mortals. Strong in both body and mind, children of Kratos are often described as having the strength of Ares combined with Zeus’ ability to lead. Many falsely believe that children of Kratos only know how to swing a sword and intimidate their enemies, but they are much deeper than that. A child of Kratos understands that strength and power are not only about beating their enemies to a pulp, but also outsmarting them through incredible strategy or sly negotiation. Don’t mistake that for softness, though — when negotiations fail, it is often these demigods that will take up their sword and ensure victory at all costs! Like their father, the children of Kratos will do whatever it takes to protect Camp Half-Blood from whatever monsters are foolish enough to challenge them.
We may not sleep at camp, but that doesn’t mean the god of dreams has no power here! Children of Morpheus might seem like they have their heads in the clouds, but really, they’re getting valuable insight and tapping into deep intuition. They know the power of imagination and are often natural storytellers and keepers of Lore. These demigods often love symbols and imagery, which makes them great at deciphering codes and prophecies. Morpheus is also known as “the shaper,” and his children truly have the capacity to shape their dreams into reality. To them, nothing seems out of reach and no goal seems impossible: they know that if you can dream it, you can do it!
What makes a child of Nike? They are adept fighters, but even stronger teammates. They build others up just as much as they take their enemies down. Often children of Nike can be found practicing for the Olympics or playing tons of different games throughout camp. Despite common misconceptions, children of Nike are not concerned with the pettiness that comes with competitiveness. They celebrate victory in all forms, whether it be their own or their teammates and co-campers. Make no mistake, though, children of Nike are very good at winning. The power of victory courses through their veins and they use it to fight the hardest, run the farthest, and celebrate the loudest! This makes them an instrumental part of Camp Half-Blood.
When we talk about “the children of the night,” we don’t mean vampires! We’re talking about the demigod children of Nyx, the goddess of darkness. Like their mysterious mother, these children can be an enigmatic bunch, clever and canny, often underestimated but just as often providing the key to unlocking a mystery or achieving a victory. Children of Nyx can be sponges of information, whether reading in the library, putting together clues found while scouting, or observing their fellow demigods. Quietly fearless, they embrace the power of the dark and all the secrets it holds, and their insight can be critical when mayhem is unfolding at camp.
The patrons of Pan are fierce lovers of the natural world who are on an endless quest to find out the fate of the lost god of nature. Though they are without their patron, that does not diminish their connection to the beauty of nature around them. Oftentimes demigods of Pan will find themselves admiring the trees, the flowers, and doing their best to befriend whatever animal wanders near them. They are most at home with dirt between their fingernails and lining the bottoms of their feet as they run wild across the woods and fields. This leads many to believe demigods of Pan to be soft, but that’s only because they forget that Pan, like the world he presided over, has the capacity to be as ruthless as even Ares. Don’t believe me? Hit a tree with your sword around a patron of Pan and find out!
You do not mess with the children of Persephone. Yes, they love the springtime and are often most at home basking in the sun and growing beautiful flowers, and participating in other delightful springtime activities, but they are also children of the Queen of the Underworld. As such, they have a powerful connection to the afterlife — a connection that some argue is even more powerful than children of Hades. There’s often much more to a child of Persephone than what they allow their surface to show. Like their mother, children of Persphone are fearless and tackle stress with grace and poise befitting their royal connection to the Underworld! Just as Hades couldn’t rule without Persephone, Camp Half-Blood can’t save the world without her children.
Children of Poseidon distinguish themselves in their physical and mental toughness and ability to remain loyal to their allies and beliefs in spite of any setback. This strength can backfire on them though, as they are seen by others as impetuous, stubborn and inflexible. Made more powerful around bodies of water and particularly adept at training and riding horses, children of Poseidon strike terror into the hearts of their foes but also bolster the confidence of their longtime allies, like the Apollo Cabin. 
Whether you’re sprinting for your home base in Capture the Flag, trying to create the flashiest sword and shield, or approaching a monster’s lair on Quest, it can sure help to have the goddess of luck on your side! These demigods bring their mother’s whimsy and wonder with them to camp. They live in the moment, not worrying too much about the future, because they know that Fortune’s wheel will always keep turning. This makes them highly adaptable, eager to seize new opportunities and take a chance on plans that others might doubt. Children of Tyche can be wild cards, but they often have a powerful sense for taking action at just the right moment, in just the right place.
Just as many Greek myths warned of hubris, or dangerous pride, they also stressed the importance of hospitality. In one myth, a pair of beggars arrive in a small town looking for food and shelter. They go from house to house, and are rejected by everyone, until an elderly couple in a small cottage brings them in. They give them delicious food, despite not having much themselves. The beggars invited the couple to climb up a nearby hill with them, and when they looked back, their town had been destroyed in a flood. The beggars turned out to be Zeus and Hermes, and they rewarded the couple for their hospitality by transforming their small cottage into a beautiful temple, where they lived out their years. With the power of Xenia protecting you, you will be welcomed into any cabin you join this week as one of their own! Those protected by Xenia can take on any of the skills and abilities of their hosts, and always repay the favors.
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