Staff Writers

Highland Traditions of Scotland

Mina Guadalupe – Mythomaster

Mina Guadalupe was only a little surprised when her horns started growing. With her love of mischief and her endless curiosity about new lands, she’d always suspected she’d had a fae somewhere in the family line. Carefully hiding her horns in public, she began to adventure in earnest and discovered her close connection to Hermes, Greek god of messengers, tricksters, and thieves. After ambling in the winged-gods footsteps for a while, Mina found her way into the mythoverse, where she finally has the chance to proudly display her horns and wreck utter chaos on unsuspecting heroes.

Highland Traditions of Scotland

Simon Alexander – Mythomaster

Like any son of Odin, the Norse god of Wisdom, Simon Alexander has spent time honing his mind in order to prepare for the battles ahead. Currently he splits his time between his studies at Sarah Lawrence College, compiling a compendium of complex lyrical eddas in homage to past warriors, or as the Midgardians would say, writing adventure stories. To aid in the All-Father’s on-going quest for the greatest heroes, Simon also drops into the mythoverse from time to time seeking those worthy of Valhalla.

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